1. Name


Sports Facilities Investment Plan Member Working Group


2. Purpose


Progression of the Sports Facilities Investment Plan (SFIP) and the key principles that it establishes requires effective governance arrangements. The new Member Working Group (the Group) will oversee the delivery of the SFIP and ensure cross-party engagement as the project progresses. It will consider the options for the recommended hubs and make recommendations to the Policy & Resources Committee on this and all other aspects of the SFIP. 


2. Status


The Group shall be an advisory board to the Policy & Resources Committee. The Group will not have subcommittee status and the political balance rules in section 15 of the Local Government and Housing Act 1989 will not apply.

The Group will be established on a cross party basis and it is the goal of the Group to attempt to reach decisions by consensus.


3. Areas of focus


The Group will provide cross-party involvement in the strategic management, coordination, and delivery of the SFIP. In performing its role, the Group and its members will:

·                Consider the SFIP together with supporting/background information and agree the process for taking it forward.

·                Consider the investment options to achieve the proposals set out in the SFIP.

·                Agree the investment priorities and the strands of work associated with these.

·                To explore and oversee options to achieve additional sustainability investment (in line with the council’s carbon neutral 2030 commitments).

·                Consider the location of the leisure centre hubs and potential sites.

·                Consider project costs, business cases, and financing arrangements. 

·                Agree detailed delivery arrangements (e.g. procurement and delivery routes) for individual projects and monitor progress.

·                Be a positive advocate and act as ambassadors for the project when appropriate and beneficial to do so.

·                Supply relevant Committees with appropriate information to facilitate decision making.

·                Receive progress reports and act as required.

·                Agree appropriate communications arrangements at key stages.

·                To work with the officer project team and ensure an appropriate level of in-house resourcing and external consultancy are available and used as planned.


4. Reporting


The Group will report to the Policy & Resources Committee with recommendations as necessary.



5. Membership


Membership of the Group shall consist of 5 elected Members, following nominations by their Group Leaders to reflect the political composition of the council.


6. Meetings and ways of working


The Group shall be chaired by an elected Member [to be nominated and appointed at the inaugural Group meeting] who will act as the lead elected Member for the project.


The frequency of meetings will be determined by the level of business, but it is anticipated that they will typically be quarterly.


A number of principles will underpin the working of the Group:


-       Operate in the spirit of partnership and attempt to build consensus

-       Council officers and external specialists will attend as required

-       Administered by the council with agenda and papers circulated at least 3 days ahead of meetings

-       Schedule of future meeting dates to be agreed by the Group


The nature of the business discussed by the Group may mean that some issues are of a confidential or commercially sensitive nature:


-       Members should treat relevant information and that of a commercially sensitive nature as confidential

-       Guidance should be given to Group members on briefing political groups and wider stakeholders on an ongoing basis


7. Review


These Terms of Reference may be reviewed and amended by the Group from time to time to ensure that they remain relevant throughout the life of the project.